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Thoracic endovascular aortic repair workshop

The Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) workshop is a practical 1.5-day workshop to gain knowledge on the management of basic TEVAR including patient selection, sizing, and procedural steps of stent graft implantation. The workshop includes case presentations covering state-of -the-art management of a thoracic aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, and traumatic aortic, as well practical training on access, procedural steps of TEVAR implantation with different devices, and troubleshooting/bail out techniques.

Participant level: The course is designed for vascular surgeons and vascular surgeons in training. No TEVAR experience is required but some prior EVAR experience is expected.

Accreditation: CME accreditation is being requested for this course.

Location: Stockholm on the 28th and 29th November.

The faculty guiding you includes:
Dr Magnus Jonsson, consultant vascular surgeon/associate professor
Dr Carl Magnus Wahlgren, consultant vascular surgeon/professor (adjunct), Department of Vascular Surgery, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr Göran Lundberg, consultant vascular surgeon/PhD
Dr Joy Roy, consultant vascular surgeon /associate professor
Dr Anton Razuvajev, specialist vascular surgeon/PhD, Department of Vascular Surgery, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

You can reserve your place via the event page here.

SwedeAmp årsrapport 2023

Styrgruppen för SwedeAmp (Nationellt kvalitetsregister för benamputation och protes) publicerar nu årsrapporten för 2023.


Du hittar årets rapport på följande sida Årsrapporter | SwedeAmp (rcsyd.se). Här finns även alla tidigare årsrapporter samt mer information om registret, information till patienter, lokala/regionala vårdprogram mm.

Om ni har några frågor går det bra att maila till info@swedeamp.com.

Med vänliga hälsningar

SwedeAmp styrgrupp

Bästa föredrag på kirurgveckan

SSVS gratulerar Erna Markusdottir för bästa föredrag under SSVS symposium. Förutom äran så får Erna 10 000 kronor i prispengar

Föredraget hade titeln: Diagnostic reference level for endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in Sweden