EVTM 9th EndoVascular resuscitation and Trauma Management
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 9th EndoVascular resuscitation and Trauma Management round table symposium to be held in Örebro, Sweden, 17-19 October, 2024.
Our goal is to offer an excellent scientific program and an outstanding exhibition of the latest treatment options and technologies within endovascular and hybrid resuscitation. With an international faculty of renowned experts and clinicians we will cover most aspects of endovascular resuscitation, trauma and bleeding management, REBOA, endovascular technologies and tools as well as new concepts and algorithms for bleeding management from the pre-hospital to the post-surgical period.
The EVTM round table symposium is inspired by the collaboration between many centers and its extensive array of experimental research and clinical knowledge in endovascular and hybrid resuscitation including REBOA. Our aim is to have good cooperation, open discussions and debates as well as high scientific exchange of data. The EVTM round table symposium offers a new, modern, live platform and we hope that you will be a part of it.
There will also be a 1-day EVTM workshop on October 16th.
In the name of the symposium chairs and scientific committee and the local organizers,
Tal Hörer
Örebro University Hospital
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